EMERGENCY EVACUATION – 12 Steps to Personal Safety

EMERGENCY EVACUATION – 12 Steps to Personal Safety


1)          Stop work

2)          Do not leave your workplace

3)          Do not panic or spread rumors

4)          Listen to the instructions on the PA (Public address) system or given  by  safety squad

5)          While awaiting evacuation orders, put away from your valuables, if any.

6)          Stay ready for evacuation. Do not carry any weight on your person

7)          On receiving orders to evacuate the Area, follow the evacuation route announced on the PA system or as directed by the ERT.

8)          Do not run, overtake, or push anyone on your way. Do not return to the Area at any stage for any reason whatsoever. Prevent a stampede.

9)          move quickly in an even, continued and orderly flow until you reach the open area

10)     On searching the open Area, proceed to the designated assembly area.

11)     Look for your friends who have come to the office and are yet to reach the assembly area. Give names of such persons to your ERT Leader.

12)     Wait for further instructions and do not leave the assembly area unless instructed by the Area marshal.

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